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Posted by : JB Wednesday 13 November 2013

Just a short half-rant. Stumbled across this video today that will no doubt go viral, given the amount of attention it’s already received by big sites like ‘The Lad Bible’ and suchlike, and was wholly disgusted with what I saw.

This video manifests the huge injustice of sexism within society. In case your attention span is particularly low, the male is being brutally beaten by two women he slept with on the same day, one using a belt, the other using some form of inanimate object resembling a tube.

Now of course, the man is completely in the wrong for cheating and leading on these two women, however the women’s response is totally wrong and unjustified, let alone hugely unfair.

Imagine if it had been the same situation, but two men had been cheated on by a woman, and they had decided to respond with a similar level of force to these women. They would have been in jail faster than this video took to be uploaded. However in the case of it being women, it is hugely unlikely that any further action will be taken regarding the assault. This may arguably be due to the man being less likely to inform the police than a woman might be, however I would question what the police or a judge might say to this anyway. It’s quite likely that both police and the judiciary would simply call this a domestic ‘disturbance’ or the likes, when these two women mercilessly beat this man, to which he didn’t even lift a finger or attempt to defend himself.

Therefore in my opinion, despite the sexism women continue to face, there are many situations in which men are handicapped due to society’s morals and values, where women are seemingly ‘above the law’ when assaulting or harming men.

What’s your opinion? 

{ 1 comments... read them below or add one }

  1. I agree with you - I saw a similar video which I think was meant to be funny, but actually it was horrible violence from a woman to a man


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